筑波大学 University of Tsukuba 国際統合睡眠医科学研究機構(WPI-IIIS)沓村・斉藤研究室 International Institute for Integrative Sleep Medicine (WPI-IIIS), Kutsumura・Saito Lab. 数理物質系化学域沓村研究室 Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, Kutsumura Lab.

  • 筑波大学国際統合睡眠医科学研究機構
  • 独立行政法人 日本学術振興会
  • ムーンショット型研究開発事業


2022 Original Papers / 2022 原著論文

  1. Yamamoto, H.; Nagumo, Y.; Ishikawa, Y.; Irukayama-Tomobe, Y.; Namekawa, Y.; Nemoto, T.; Tanaka, H.; Takahashi, G.; Tokuda, A.; Saitoh, T.; Nagase, H.; Funato, H.; Yanagisawa, M.
    “OX2R-selective orexin agonism is sufficient to amelioratecataplexy and sleep/wake fragmentation without inducing drug-seeking behavior in mouse model of narcolepsy”
    PLOS ONE 2022, 17, e0271901. (web)
  2. Kitano, M.; Saitoh, T.; Nishiyama, S.; Einaga, Y.; Yamamoto, T.
    “Electro-conversion of cumene into acetophenone using boron-doped diamond electrodes”
    Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2022, 18, 1154-1158. (web)
  3. Saitoh, T.; Amezawa, M.; Horiuchi, J.; Nagumo, Y.; Yamamoto, N.; Kutsumura, N.; Ohshita, R.; Tokuda, A.; Irukayama-Tomobe, Y.; Ogawa, Y.; Ishikawa, Y.; Hasegawa, E.; Sakurai, T.; Uchida, Y.; Sato, T.; Gouda, H.; Tanimura, R.; Yanagisawa, M.; Nagase, H.
    Discovery of novel orexin receptor antagonists using a 1,3,5-trioxazatriquinane bearing multiple effective residues (TriMER) library

    Eur. J. Med. Chem. 2022, 240, 114505. (web)
  4. Kawaminami, A.; Yamada, D.; Yanagisawa, S.; Shirakata, M.; Iio, K.; Nagase, H.; Saitoh, A.
    “Selective δ-Opioid Receptor Agonist, KNT-127, Facilitates Contextual Fear Extinction via Infralimbic Cortex and Amygdala in Mice”
    Front. Behav. Neurosci. 2022, 16, 808232. (web)
  5. Yamauchi, T.; Yoshioka, T.; Yamada, D.; Hamano, T.; Ohashi, M.; Matsumoto, M.; Iio, K.; Ikeda, M.; Kamei, M.; Otsuki, T.; Sato, Y.; Nii, K.; Suzuki, M.; Ichikawa, H.; Nagase, H.; Iriyama, S.; Yoshizawa, K.; Nishino, S.; Miyazaki, S.; Saitoh, A.
    “Cold-Restraint Stress-Induced Ultrasonic Vocalization as a Novel Tool to Measure Anxiety in Mice”
    Biol. Pharm. Bull. 2022, 45, 268-275. (web)
  6. Iio, K.Saitoh, T.Ohshita, R.Hino, T.Amezawa, M.Takayama, Y.Nagumo, Y.Yamamoto, N.Kutsumura, N.; Irukayama-Tomobe, Y.; Ishikawa, Y.; Tanimura, R.; Yanagisawa, M.; Nagase, H.
    “Discovery of orexin 2 receptor selective and dual orexin receptor agonists based on the tetralin structure: Switching of receptor selectivity by chirality on the tetralin ring”

    Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 202260, 128555. (web)
  7. Katoh, K.Kutsumura, N.Yamamoto, N.Nagumo, Y.Saitoh, T.; Ishikawa, Y.; Irukayama-Tomobe, Y.; Tanimura, R.; Yanagisawa, M.; Nagase, H.
    “Essential structure of orexin 1 receptor antagonist YNT-707: Conversion of the 16-cyclopropylmethyl group to the 16-sulfonamide group in D-nor-nalfurafine derivatives”

    Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 202259, 128550. (web)
  8. Hino, T.Saitoh, T.Nagumo, Y.Yamamoto, N.Kutsumura, N.; Irukayama-Tomobe, Y.; Ishikawa, Y.; Tanimura, R.; Yanagisawa, M.; Nagase, H.
    “Design and synhtesis of novel orexin 2 receptor agonists based on naphthalene skeleton”

    Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 202259, 128530. (web)
  9. Katoh, K.Yamamoto, N.; Ishikawa, Y.; Irukayama-Tomobe, Y.; Tanimura, R.; Saitoh, T.Nagumo, Y.Kutsumura, N.; Yanagisawa, M.; Nagase, H.
    “Effect of removal of the 14-hydroxy group on the affinity of the 4,5-epoxymorphinan derivatives for orexin and opioid receptors”

    Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 202259, 128527. (web)
  10. Iio, K.; Kutsumura, N.; Nagumo, Y.; Saitoh, T.; Tokuda, A.; Hashimoto, K.; Yamamoto, N.; Kise, R.; Inoue, A.; Mizoguchi, H.; Nagase, H.
    “Synthesis of unnatural morphinan compounds to induce itch-like behaviors in mice: Towards the development of MRGPRX2 selective ligands”
    Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 2022, 56, 128485. (web)










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  • リンク


筑波大学 睡眠医科学研究棟4F

〒305-8575 茨城県つくば市天王台1-1-1 TEL/FAX 029-853-6568
